About Me

I scarcely remember a time when I did not have a camera in my hand. At the age of four, my paparazzi-like stalking of my family was for the fun of squirting them with water from a joke camera. Not long after, however, I was presented with the real thing and discovered the joys of creating pictures.
At the age of eighteen, now equipped with a film SLR, I sold my first photograph and knew that this was my chosen path. Turning my passion into my career has been a dream- come- true.
Today, some decades later, my team and I can take on any project. From photography, retouching, graphic design, print management, or even the photo shoot of an entire catalogue. I pride myself on creativity, innovative approaches and quality photography. If these are the values you are looking forseek, contact me at: info@philippe-roy.com.
Welcome to my website. Welcome to my work.